In this film we follow the lives of 4 people who have dementia and are in different stages of the disease, we find out that a lot of dementia patients have boards where they have to write down what they have to do for that day, and have memory triggers so they don’t forget important information like family and daily routines eg. having a medication/pill box next to the kettle so that they don’t forget where it is.
Emotions are not damaged by Alzheimer’s, if anything they are increased and magnified, sometimes to the point of extreme hysteria as a lot of dementia patients in this film seem to describe Alzheimer’s as a memory fog rather than a complete brain fog. Keith describing his Alzheimer’s as being able to remember more clearly feelings rather than actual memories.
People who look at themselves as very independent seem to be a lot more frustrated that they can’t do things themselves as Alzheimer’s progresses, which triggers them to establish routine a lot more vigorously in their lives, if it hadn’t been before.